Posts For Tag: "Guest Blogger"

School Time Creates Social Time

Amber O'Connor, Program Coordinator

By: Amber O’Connor, Program Coordinator Back to school time has always been my favorite time of year. While I loved being in the classroom and

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Guest Blog: Roseina Britton

Roseina Britton

Interning with ACT Center for Equity and Learning was appealing to me because when I hear the term equity, I instantly think of the image

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Guest Blog: Maurice Swinney

Maurice Swinney

This summer, we brought education luminaries to our ACT campus as a continuation of the Center for Equity in Learning’s Distinguished Lecture Series. We were

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Guest Blog: Dr. Bach Mai Dolly Nguyen

Dr. Bach Mai Dolly Nguyen

In June, the Institute for Immigration, Globalization, and Education at the University of California, Los Angeles, with support from the ACT Center for Equity in

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Guest Blog: Dr. Joyce Brown

Dr. Joyce Brown

Last week, ACT hosted our Distinguished Lecture Series, inviting exceptional educators who are reaching underserved students in extraordinary ways to our Iowa City campus. Joyce

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Guest Blog: Michael Bonner

Michael Bonner

By: Michael Bonner Last week, ACT hosted our Distinguished Lecture Series, which focused on exceptional educators who are reaching underserved students in extraordinary ways. Michael

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