This fall, students across the country will be submitting college applications and celebrating their plans for the future. Hundreds of thousands of them will do so when schools in all 50 states and the District of Columbia host American College Application Campaign (ACAC) events. To celebrate college application season and our students, ACAC encourages participating in the #WhyApply social media campaign.

What is #WhyApply Day?

#WhyApply (to college) Day is sponsored by the American College Application Campaign, an initiative of ACT’s Center for Equity in Learning, which partners with thousands of high schools across the country each fall to host events supporting students through the college application process, especially first-generation college students and those from low-income families who may not otherwise apply to college. This year we anticipate 9,000 high schools hosting application completion events between September and December.

To celebrate the nearly 467,000 students who will participate in these application events, #WhyApply Day kicks off the application season and provides encouragement for the students. Though state campaigns and local events will run from September through December, the goal of #WhyApply Day is to kick off the season and to utilize social media to encourage students as they begin the application process.

An African American female student wearing a graduation cap, smiling, holding a branded ACAC handwritten sign that reads "because a college degree provides a better future!".How to show your support

On Friday, September 20, 2024, ACAC encourages everyone to wear your college gear (t-shirt, hats, pins, etc.) and share why you believe students should apply to college and/or why you applied to college, using the hashtag #WhyApply. Then share your response on your favorite social media platform (TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter). Encourage your friends, family, and colleagues to do the same. Not sure what to post? You might:

  • Type a short response in your status
  • Make a video of yourself, your kids, or your friends answering the question
  • Draw a picture depicting your reasons
  • Write your answer on a piece of paper (feel free to use the #WhyApply template provided) and post a photo of you holding it
  • Share an image or photo with your reason

Learn more:

A range of resources including graphics, sample social media content and template newsletter content are available below. 

Downloadable Resources

The following are resources for students to celebrate when they apply to college. Ask students to post a photo or video using the hashtag #IApplied.