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Guest Blog: Dr. Joyce Brown

By: Dr. Joyce Brown

Last week, ACT hosted our Distinguished Lecture Series, inviting exceptional educators who are reaching underserved students in extraordinary ways to our Iowa City campus. Joyce

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Guest Blog: Michael Bonner

By: Michael Bonner

By: Michael Bonner Last week, ACT hosted our Distinguished Lecture Series, which focused on exceptional educators who are reaching underserved students in extraordinary ways. Michael

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Social Impact: Making Our Mission Matter

By: Melissa Murer Corrigan, Vice President of Social Impact

ACT has a broad and deep history of social responsibility. Focusing on social impact is inherently connected to our mission of helping people achieve education

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Committed to Accessibility

By: Jeff McCullough, Senior Director of Accessibility

The Center for Equity in Learning is committed to diversity and inclusion, which leads to our efforts around accessibility for students with disabilities and others.

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