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Girl Power

By: Keira Evans

International Day of the Girl Child is an international observance day declared by the United Nations (UN). This day recognizes the benefits of empowering and

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Up Next: College

By: Keira Evans

Our friends at Better Make Room have created a free mobile messaging tool that opens the realm of college access to all students across the

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Educacion con Nosotros - Center for Equity in Learning

Educacíon con Nosotros

By: Keira Evans

ACT Center for Equity in Learning’s very own Juan Garcia appeared on Univision’s Despierta America morning show last Monday. He was a part of a

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Equity and Opportunity

By: Marten Roorda, Chief Executive Officer

Learning to swim would be difficult without water. No matter how strong your imagination, there’s nothing like dunking your head in a pool to transform

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